(ФОТО) ХРАБРА – ШЕСТ МЕСЕЦИ ПО ПОРОДУВАЊЕТО ДОБИЛА ЗАСТРАШУВАЧКА ДИЈАГНОЗА: Со месеци не знаеле што и е а сега оваа мајка има само ЕДНА ЦЕЛ!

Џоана Херд (34) од Велика Британија искрено проговорила за стравот што го почувствувала кога ја слушнала ужасна дијагноза, шест месеци по раѓањето на нејзината ќерка. Лекарите во јули и’ рекле дека има IV стадиум на карцином на белите дробови.
Еден месец подоцна, таа дознала дека АЛК е позитивна, односно дека имала ретка генетска мутација – киназа на анапластичен лимфом што доведува до карцином на белите дробови, што ги погодува претежно младите и средовечни луѓе, дури и оние кои не пушат или пушат доста. Џоана вели дека никогаш не пушела, па никогаш не помислувала дека ќе и се случи да може да добие карцином на белите дробови.

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They let me outside and I've had a hair wash 💦 🌼⛅🌳🦋 . . Monday mornings are all go here!! I've seen doctors, consultants, physio, oncology and microbiologist! . . So plan of action: continue on antibiotics until Wednesday. Wednesday hopefully ct scan and they want to do another bronchoscopy and biopsies of the fluid in my lungs as microbiologist suspects very rare bacteria which needs a special treatment to shift once and for all but need to be certain before they start 🤞 . . Oncologist is 99% sure this is caused by infection and not meds, hes happy for me to continue cancer treatment from Friday 🙌 . . Physio given me some lung exercises to do to help shift the grotty stuff, it works a treat. . . Infection markers are down from 18 to 16 so that's good, mood good, spirits high. Happy Mamma 😁 . . #blessed #loveofagoodman #positivevibes #positivemind #positivebodyimage #cancerwontwin #justamammafightingcancer #cancercanfuckoff #cancerwarrior #cancersucks  #cancerblogger #blogger #alkpositivelungcancer #alk #lungcancer #support #blogger #cancerblogger #justamammafightingcancer #alkpositivelungcancer #alkpostive #sideeffects #cancersucks #fuckoffcancer #raisingawareness #lungcancer #cancerwarrior #1in2 #cancer #bloggingcancermamma #macmillan #mammablogger #mummyblog #roycastlelungcancerfoundation

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Сето тоа ја скршило.Помислила дека има само уште една година и нема да има можност да гледа како расте нејзината ќерка, но лекарите се обиделе барем да ја утешат. И’ било кажано дека животниот век со таква дијагноза е околу седум години.
Џоана на блогот на Инстаграм @justamammafightingcancer се претставува како „АЛК позитивен воин против рак“. Таа вели дека нејзиниот блоги помага да го прифати фактот дека е сериозно болна, како и во нејзините секојдневни борби. Таа сака да им каже на луѓето каква е болеста. Таа признава дека темните мисли низ нејзината глава поминувале мрачни мисли уште откако ја добила дијагнозата.

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I've been torn about posting this but you know what, this is the reality of Cancer. This is last night. . Oxygen mask, IV line, bandages on wrists where I've had to have blood drawn straight from the artery to test oxygen levels ( worst pain ever) not even knowing what my own name was I was so confused and disoriented. . . I woke up feeling out of sorts, we were all tired from our recent trip away and Freya was full of chest infection and had had a bad night. I felt really weak and lethargic and just generally like dog shit. I knew I had a another infection, I was just waiting on results back from the doctors because they seem incapable of ordering tests in a timely manner and by now I was 7 days past my last antibiotic and infection was still raging. . . Then the sickness started, I couldn't stop throwing up. I was boiling hot one minute, freezing the next. I was so confused I didn't know what day it was. Daniel had never seen anything like it, it was terrifying. . . So we called Oncology who sent me straight to hospital. My oxygen levels were so low, the nurse thought she had a faulty machine. I've been x rayed (you'll remember my new oncologist didnt xray me on 3rd, had she have done they would have spotted the Pnuemonia I now have) had an ecg, been on oxygen for 15 hours and iv antibiotics all night. And I still feel shocking. . . So I'm being kept in for now, while they get the pneumonia under control and attempt to regulate my oxygen levels. . I'm missing Daniel and Freya like crazy, I've never spent the night away from them before. Feeling sad but I know I'm in the best place! . I'm gonna kick this infections ass (eventually) and then I'm coming for you Cancer, you cockwomble! #justamammafightingcancer #cancercanfuckoff #cancerwarrior #cancersucks  #cancerblogger #blogger #alkpositivelungcancer #alk #lungcancer #support #blogger #cancerblogger #justamammafightingcancer #alkpositivelungcancer #alkpostive #sideeffects #cancersucks #fuckoffcancer #raisingawareness #lungcancer #cancerwarrior  #blessed #loveofagoodman #positivevibes #positivemind #positivebodyimage #cancer

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„Ми се чинеше нереално. Чувствував како вакви работи им се случуваат на некои други луѓе. Некако чувствувам дека за една година ќе бидам мртва. Умот ми минува низ тоа дали ќе прифатам хемотерапија ако ми понудат, дали вреди“, рекла таа.
Таа се потсетила дека лекарите првично и давале погрешни дијагнози и ја третирале погрешно, бидејќи тоа било ретка состојба што не ја препознале веднаш. Тие мислеле дека станува збор за инфекција на градите или пневмонија.
„Ова погодува сè повеќе млади луѓе и не секоја болница нуди тестирање на клетки за да ја пронајдат оваа ретка форма. Не секој онколог во земјава е свесен за ова, што е прилично застрашувачко. Важно е да се споделат знаења за оваа ужасна болест“, додала Џоана.

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Still buzzing from last night and the amazing amount of money raised! It's that much that we're still adding it all up!! . And the good vibes are continuing today as my Mamma and I are off to @menagerie_restaurant for @roycastlelungcancer charity launch! We were very kindly invited by @claire_kel1 who you'll remember I met on Thursday, by pure chance at @tanyabardoboutique and introduced by the beautiful angel @cheshireliz1 ❤ And it's my Mammas Birthday today too so send lots of love her way ❤ . Everything that is happening at the moment feels like it's meant to be. Even having cancer. As shit as it is, I feel like together, with the support of some truly amazing people, I can truly do some good. Raising awareness is vital in our mission to get Lung Cancer, and especially rare forms, out in the open so that others may have a fighting chance. We can save lives! We can fight! . And while I know that I can never beat Cancer, I sure as shit won't let it beat me either 💪💪💪 . . #positivevibes #positivemind #positivebodyimage #cancerwontwin #justamammafightingcancer #cancercanfuckoff #cancerwarrior #cancersucks  #cancerblogger #blogger #alkpositivelungcancer #alk #lungcancer #support #blogger #cancerblogger #justamammafightingcancer #alkpositivelungcancer #alkpostive #sideeffects #cancersucks #fuckoffcancer #raisingawareness #lungcancer #cancerwarrior #1in2 #cancer #bloggingcancermamma #macmillan #mammablogger #mummyblog #roycastlelungcancerfoundation

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Таа вели дека секој ден пие специјални апчиња, но после три до пет години ќе стане имуна на лекот и ќе и треба одредена алтернатива. Уште од кога се разболела, таа рзо се заморува и не може долго да оди.
„Пишувањето на блогот ми помогна да останам оптимист, а исто така им помага на моето семејство и пријателите затоа што тие имаат подобро разбирање за тоа низ што поминувам“, рекла таа, истакнувајќи дека планира да се омажи за својот партнер Даниел Џонатан следната година.

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Little mirror selfie to celebrate the last day of steroids!!! . Six bastard weeks I've been on them! I've had every side effect they cause times 10 and as I may have mentioned once or twice, I've put on 2 fucking stone 🙈 . Operation 'Chuff off Chubb' is now in full swing as I attempt to get back to a managable weight and then I can go Wedding dress shopping!!! If that doesn't kick my ass into swapping the chocolate bar for a kale leaf then nothing will! . . But as always, I have the love of a good Man who doesn't care what I weigh. The support of everyone around me to support my journey and finally, you amazing lot. Your support on even my most miserable days never waivers and I appreciate all the love! ❤❤❤ . . You guys Rock!! . . . #blessed #loveofagoodman #positivevibes #positivemind #positivebodyimage #cancerwontwin #justamammafightingcancer #cancercanfuckoff #cancerwarrior #cancersucks  #cancerblogger #blogger #alkpositivelungcancer #alk #lungcancer #support #blogger #cancerblogger #justamammafightingcancer #alkpositivelungcancer #alkpostive #sideeffects #cancersucks #fuckoffcancer #raisingawareness #lungcancer #cancerwarrior #1in2 #cancer #bloggingcancermamma #macmillan #mammablogger #mummyblog #roycastlelungcancerfoundation

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