(ФОТО) Инструкторка по гола јога објавува фотки од часовите:„Им помогнувам на жените сексуално да се ослободат“

30. годишната Роси Рис, е инструкторка по јога, но нејзините часови се посебни по тоа што на нив сите мораат да вежбаат голи.
Роси часовите на гола јога ги одржува само за жените кои го сакаат тоа, како што вели, да ги поттикне да го прифатат своето тело. Таа тврди дека нејзините часови општо го подобруваат сексуалниот живот на ученичките.
„Им помогнувам на жените сексуално да се ослободат“ вели таа на својот блог.

Австралијанката фотографии од своите часови објавува на Инстаграм каде ја следат повеќе од 50.000 луѓе (јасно е и зошто).

[READ TIL THE END LADIES] Last night we had 15 gorgeous women (not all wanted to be photographed) bare all in the beautiful Power Living yoga studio in #Adelaide. A common theme that arose was the pressure women feel to stay young and look "sexy" and how the aging process isn't embraced or celebrated in women – particularly in the mass media. It's as if a woman turns 50 and all of a sudden she is not considered a sensual, sexual icon (unlike George Clooney for example who keeps getting sexier with age). I say f*ck that! I want to keep getting better, sexier, tastier and more sensual with age – like a good wine! Let's rewire this misconception and celebrate women aging!! The oldest women in the class last night was about 65 (followed by three women in their 50s) and she ran up to me before the class started feeling worried and insecure that she was the "oldest" in the class. Rewind a few hundred or thousand years and older women in the tribe were the space holders, the leaders, the guides, the matriarchs, the women to be respected and revered. What happened to this notion?? Let's be proud of our age and celebrate the years we have grown on this planet. Who is a female icon in her 40s, 50s, 60s or 70s that you admire? Some of the women shared the last night: Nicole Kidman, Helen Mirran, Julia Gillard, Reece Witherspoon…

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Часовите не ги одржува само во сала, некогаш со своите „ученички“ се упатува и на плажа.

Sun's out. Tops off! Love this woman @living_light_wellness

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Did you know that 91% of women are unhappy with their body? And if you ask them which specific part, she will usually say her vagina… Most women have also never actually SEEN another woman's vagina, except for maybe in a porn clip, which is not an accurate depiction of what a vagina looks like (as they have usually been nipped and tucked to look small, neat and tidy). So following on from an incredible The Yoniverse weekend, my next PERTH Women's Nude Yoga workshop is an evening on learning more about our Yoni, accepting our Yoni, loving our Yoni, releasing guilt and shame around our Yoni and relaxing our Yoni. We will be guided through a beautiful practice with Yoni Mapping specialist Kate Atkinson who will help us connect deeper with this divine part of our body. And I will take you through a slow, soft and sensual yoga flow. It will be a very private, sacred, honouring, candle lit space for you to surrender and feel safe appreciating a part of our body, which perhaps has never been appreciated. I only have 3 more spots left! Tickets: www.rosierees.com/workshops FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE AND BRISBANE WORKSHOPS VISIT THE LINK ABOVE 🌷 Love Rosie x

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It's seriously difficult to explain to people just how deep and how naked we get in 3 hours together on the yoga mat. • Women surrender. Women share their story. Women transform. Women cry. Women feel. Women sing. Women shed. And at the end we sit around naked, laughing, dipping bliss balls in chocolate sauce and complimenting each other's areolas and vaginas (I'm not joking!!). • Tonight was particularly deep as we journeyed into the heart space and massaged our breasts with guidance from special guest @georgia_liberate. This is a powerful daily practice not only for breast health but for heart connection and plugging into the power of our feminine essence. • I'm feeling beyond grateful…for these sisters, the release for the collective, the support for this important work and for my breasts.🙌💖😘 • The next #NUDEYOGAWITHROSIE workshop is on the YONI!! @OmPoweryogaFreo

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