(ФОТО) Трансроден модел првпат на насловна страна на познато списание: „Никогаш не престанувајте да сонувате!“

Бразилскиот трансродна манекенка, Валентина Сампао, стана првиот трансроден модел што се појави на насловната страница на списанието Sports Illustrated.

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I am excited and honored to be part of the iconic Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. The team at SI has created yet another groundbreaking issue by bringing together a diverse set of multitalented, beautiful women in a creative and dignified way. I was born trans in a remote, humble fishing village in northern Brazil. Brazil is a beautiful country, but it also hosts the highest number of violent crimes and murders against the trans community in the world—three times that of the U.S. Being trans usually means facing closed doors to peoples’ hearts and minds. We face snickers, insults, fearful reactions and physical violations just for existing. Our options for growing up in a loving and accepting family, having a fruitful experience at school or finding dignified work are unimaginably limited and challenging. 💜🧡💛❤️💚

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Таа на Инстаграм има околу 400.000 следбеници, а оваа вест ја сподели со нив со емотивна порака.
„Тимот од списанието излезе со револуционерна работа и собра разновидна група убави и талентирани жени на креативен и достоинствен начин“, напиша Сампајо на својот Инстаграм профил, додавајќи дека е многу возбудена и и’ е чест што е дел од таа приказна.
Во август 2019. година, медиумите објавија дека бразилската Валентина Сампаио била првиот трансродов модел на американскиот бренд за луксузни долна облека „Victoria’s Secret“:
„Никогаш не престанувајте да сонувате, луѓе“, напишала Сампао во тоа време.

Исто така, пред три и пол години, таа беше првиот трансродов модел на насловната страница на магазинот „Вог“.
Родена во Бразил, Сампао ја користи својата платформа да се бори за транс правата и да се спротивстави на бруталната омраза кон трансродовата заедница.

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#Repost @voguemagazine with @make_repost ・・・ Brazilian modeling star Valentina Sampaio (@valentts) is on a mission. At present, trans rights in Brazil are almost non-existent. The nation’s idyllic landscape conceals an ugly legacy of violence against trans people: it is ranked the number one country for murders of trans people according to the Trans Murder Monitoring Project. The discrimination Brazil’s trans community faces daily, particularly when it comes to employment, is especially disconcerting. “It is rare to see a transgender person have a public-facing ‘official’ job,” explains Sampaio. “Outside of Brazil, I have had the chance to meet trans people working in a great variety of professions. Salespeople in fashion, cashiers in supermarkets, makeup artists, security, and many other careers. It brings me great happiness to arrive somewhere and feel represented.” Sadly, the level of success Sampaio has found abroad has yet to be replicated at home. “I am almost ashamed to say that I have been much more accepted outside of my own country,” she says. “Much is said about us during Pride month by the media in Brazil, but they don’t let us speak for ourselves. They do not allow our voice to be directly heard on their platforms.” A vocal advocate for the rights of trans people in her home country, Sampaio shares how she is leading by example during #Pride month and beyond at the link in our bio.

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