(ВИДЕО) Совети од фитнес блогерка: 5 вежби за кои ви треба само мека подлога

Кога станува збор за вежбањето, на изговорите им нема крај. „Немам време“, „немам пари за во фитнес сала“, „немам опрема за вежбање“, и други мал милион работи што си ги кажувате за да го одложите вежбањето кое ви паѓа толку тешко.
Лили Сабри е позната фитнес блогерка која не прифаќа вакви изговори. Со околу 117.000 следбеници на Инстаграм, Сара за кусо време стана Инстаграм ѕвезда и инспирација за многумина.
Оваа згодна Британка вели дека секој може да изгледа фит, само треба да се откаже од изговорите и да биде истраен.
За следниве вежби со кои се обликуваат задникот, стомакот и нозете потребна ви е само мека подлога и ништо друго:

Вежби за зацврстување на стомачните мускули

NEW YOUTUBE IS LIVEEEE 💥 The Ultimate 10 min Intense Abs, Flat Stomach Workout is going LIVE! 🙋🏼 Have you subscribed yet? The links in my bio ladies- so simply clicked & get ready for the ab burn! Here's a little teaser of 3 of the exercises ladies 💪🏼 Beware this workout totally burns 💥 1. Bicylcles Make sure your back stays completely flat in the mat. Please you finger tips by your temples and get a full rotation to hot the oblique muscles. You are aiming for the elbow to touch the opposite knee. To make it harder, take the legs lower to the floor. Be sure to not allow the lower back to leave the floor to prevent injury and activating he incorrect muscles 2. Toe reaches Take your legs up to 90 degrees, tuck your chin towards your chest and reach for the toes. To simplify this exercise, place the feet on the floor, the hands on the thighs and slide the hands up towards the knees. If this hurts the neck, be sure to support the head with you hand/s 3. Hundreds Bring both legs up to 90 degrees at the knees and the hips. Keep the lower back flat in the mat and bring your upper body up into a crunch. Hover the arms and pump the arms up and down. Breath in for 5 counts and out for 5 counts. To make it harder, straighten the legs and lower them to the floor, to simplify place the feet flat on the floor. Good Luck ladies 🍀 Looking forward to seeing you on my YouTube channel 😘 #lillysabri #leanwithlilly #absworkout #workoutanywhere

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Вежби за добро обликуван задник

Кардио вежба за губење калории

Take 2- For some reason my videos keep getting deleted! Sorry guys ❤️ 20 min 6 PACK ABS & FAT BURN 💪🏼 Who's feeling a little worse for wear this morning & needs to sweat out this weekends treats 🙋🏼 Look no further, I've got you! 🙋🏼 Tag your bestie & give this absolute burner a go 💪🏼 For the full video, make sure you check out my YouTube workout tutorial (link in bio) Let me know how you get on lovely people. Try 2 rounds of 45 sec on /15 sec recovery 1. Jumping squats 2. Mountain climbers 3. Military planks 4. Shoulder taps 5. Side plank pump 6. Side plank with leg raise 7. Feed throughs 8. Russian twist 9. Plank reach outs 10. Plank reach out hold Good Luck 🍀😘 Thank you for forever making me laugh @paulafunnyface ❤️ Thanks @fitbituk_ireland always keeping me on track #lillysabri #leanwithlilly

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Чучнувања за обликување на задникот

Вежби за обликување на нозе и задник

HOW TO ACTIVATE & BUILD YOUR BOOTY WITHOUT BULKING YOUR QUADS 🍑 It's finally here ladies, the workout you've all been asking for 🙋🏼 Day 3- Challenge 3! This workout is perfect for you ladies who are struggling to grow your booty, and no matter how hard you train Glutes, your quads seem to be growing. To find out more about the Anterior Vs. posterior chain battle and how to overcome it by mixing up your training, check out this brand new workout tutorial on my YouTube channel- the link is in my bio 🙏🏼😘 Here's a taster of 3 of the exercises! 1. Single leg hamstring bridges 2. Side leg arcs 3. Controlled single leg bridge raises Good Luck ladies 💪🏼 & make sure you subscribe to my new YouTube channel to see 3 workouts a week! See you there 😘 #lillysabri #leanwithlilly #gluteactivation #gluteactivationexercises

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