(ВИДЕО+ФОТО) Мајка на 10. деца открила како изгледа нејзиниот ден: Станува во 3. часот наутро

Ако некој живее брзо и бучно, тогаш тоа е Таина Лициардо-Тоивола, мајка на десет деца.
Сепак, 41.годишната жена од Австралија одлично се снаоѓа благодарение на својата добра организација.
Таа со сопругот живее во Финска, а заедно одгледуваат десет деца, од кои најстарото има 20. години а најмладото – шест месеци..

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🤗MY MORNING ROUTINE 🤗 Thank you so much to everyone for your loving, positive comments on my first, My Morning Routine with 10 Children, YouTube video.🙏🏻♥️ • I have posted PART 2😍The link is in my Bio.👆 • I am so humbled and full of joy to read that so many have earnestly been waiting for PART 2/3.🙏🏻♥️ • It’s great to hear that many are considering the amount of sleep they get when it comes to their health and not just their exercise, diet and happiness.😃💪 • ☀️Our children love mornings as much as I do. They are ready to go, go, go at 6AM! Live life to the fullest my friends.♥️ #morningroutine #morningroutines #morningroutine☀️

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„Мојот ден започнува нешто пред 3. часот наутро. Тогаш времето го минувам сама, во мир и тишина. Кога децата ќе се разбудат, почнува лудницата“, вели Таина, која исто така наоѓа време да чита или вежба.

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😜Life can be easy or life can be hard. It’s not what’s happening in your life that determines how you feel. It how YOU choose to behave in EVERY situation. ✨My friend had cancer and she choose to be joyful right through it. ✨Now down to a totally different level. When I need to take three children downstairs and I only have two arms. All these years I have used JUST TWO ARMS.😉 Everything is how you choose to perceive it. Being a mama of ten children is easy. Honestly, you just stay organized (which I love doing), get up early, eat well, exercise, I read the Word and of course don’t be an idiot and stay up too late and think you’re going to be a normal functioning human being capable of adulting for the next 24 hours.😉😜😂

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🌿A normal summer holiday morning at our home starts with breakfast from 7-8. Then from 8-9:30 we ALL play games with the little ones until our four babies have their nappies changed, milk bottles filled for their 9:30 nap.😴😍We love this time together.☺️I heard an old 101 year old lady say, “If you can get on with your siblings, then you can get along with anyone.” We have had it way to easy with these guys. They get on perfectly. The older ones teach the younger ones to be happy losers, not just winners.😜 Taking turns is an easy one. We haven’t had problems with that because the little ones learnt fast that if you wait patiently for your turn the whole game goes around faster.😉 Can’t wait for homeschooling to start in three weeks.📚I’ve been homeschooling for 16 years this year.🙏😍Four have finished school and have gone to further studies as music teachers, electrician, builder, etc.

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„Поголем дел од денот го поминувам во готвење и ги водам своите деца на активности. Некои свират инструменти, некои учат странски јазици“, додава таа, истакнувајќи дека клучот за успехот е паметното планирање.

Таин својата рутина ја споделува на социјалните мрежи, а пред нешто повеќе од една година, покажала како изгледа утро со нејзините деца. Ќе се согласите, доста нереално.

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