(ФОТО Галерија) Кристиано Роналдо и Георгина уживаат во Сен Тропе

Ѕвездата на Јувантус, Кристиано Роналдо ужива на годишниот одмор со свршеницата Георгина Родригез, децата но и бројни „пријатели“…
Кристиано и Георгина вчера се снимени на Француската ривиера, на гребот покрај Сен Тропе.

 Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez relaxes in the sunshine on their luxury yacht

 Ronaldo watches on as Rodriguez enjoys a snack on board the vessel

Георгина не се откажала од провокативните бикини иако е во друштво на децата.

 Portuguese superstar Ronaldo dives off the back of the yacht as Rodriguez sunbathes

Најстарото дете на Кристиано, осумгодишниот Јуниор поминал време со својот татко на јахтата, на тобоганот но и при возење со водена санка.

 Ronaldo picks up a fishing net as he chats with Rodriguez on the back of the giant vessel


 Ronaldo frolics around with the Spaniard as he puts the net over Rodriguez's head

За папараците најинтересна била Георгина Родригез.

 Rodriguez is holidaying with Juventus' Ronaldo in the French Riviera

 Rodriguez tops up her tan on the back of the luxury vessel

 The trio relax on the back of the boat which is anchored in St Tropez

 Rodriguez watches on as Ronaldo flexes his muscle before diving in the water


 Rodriguez relaxes on the back of the boat which is anchored in the French Riviera

 Rodriguez holidays with Ronaldo after supporting him at the Nations League earlier this month

 Rodriguez wore a leopard-print bikini as she sunbathed in the Mediterranean Sea

 Rodriguez escapes the sun as she heads inside the giant yacht

 Rodriguez returns to the back of the yacht which is equipped with a giant slide

 Ronaldo spent some quality time playing with son Cristiano Jr

 Cristiano Jr watched on as Ronaldo launched himself off the giant inflatable slide

 Cristiano Jr followed his dad into the water by launching himself off the slide

 Ronaldo poses on the back of the boat as he enjoys some downtime in St Tropez

 Ronaldo and Cristiano Jr jumped on board a jet-ski and whizzed around the water

 Ronaldo caught some air as they played on the luxury toy

 Cristiano Jr hangs on to his dad as they tear across the surf

Извор: TheSun

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